Beginnings: Lean-to shed

Ramsey Terhune
As you might imagine,
with a name like Woodpecker, our roots are in the woods of North
Carolina. Our first step forward was from the ankle-deep wood shavings
on a dirt-floored lean-to shed to the wide pine boards of a tobacco
storage barn, which we rescued from the flood plain of Carolina’s
Jordan Lake in the mid-70’s. At the time, we were a two-person
shop, proudly building what we called “contemporary hardwood
furniture.” Our founder was a talented and well-educated young
Englishman, Peter J. Laughton, who had taught French at Hollins
College, and Queens College. After a brief stint in law school, and as
a diversion typical of the late-60’s counterculture, he started
our business with the name Woodpecker Enterprises in January 1972
(Never mind his unfamiliarity with our American “Woody
Woodpecker” and his signature cackle). The name and the chuckles
it invokes remain 37 years later!
The following fall, I joined Peter as a part
time apprentice while contemplating applications to graduate schools in
architecture. It was a good chemistry. Peter’s creativity was
enhanced by practical woodworking hand skills and training learned in
English “public schools”. I had recently graduated from
Kenyon College with a BA in sculpture and design and felt compelled to
challenge our work with a critical eye, while learning to fine-tune a
hand plane and cut dovetail joints. Always interested in things visual
and mechanical, I became increasingly focused on furniture design and
craftsmanship. Peter, on the other hand, continued his craving for new
and exciting ventures and eventually moved to Massachusetts to pursue
drawing, painting and inventing.
In 1977, I bought the business and moved it to
an abandoned fiberglass manufacturing facility that had succumbed to
the oil embargo of the early 70’s. It was a new beginning with an
enthusiastic team that had grown to five, plus a menagerie of three
dogs and a shop cat that kept us mouse-free. We suddenly had ten times
the shop space of the old barn and a thousand ideas of things we wanted
to build. I wrote a grant application to the newly formed Department of
Energy for a solar powered kiln for drying hardwoods. We didn’t
get the grant. I submitted a design for a laminated
walnut rocking chair to the prestigious Daphne Furniture Design
Competition. We didn’t get an award. But these lost opportunities
only served to sweeten other successes we were beginning to experience.
We had our first taste of the contract furniture market when we built
fixtures for the New York, Chicago and Burlington, NC showrooms of
Apparel, Inc., the maker of “Peaches & Cream”
children’s clothing. The contact had come through building
furniture for the company president, who lived in nearby Chapel Hill at
the time. With an increasing number of contract furniture jobs, we
continued making high-end residential furniture and cabinets. We
designed and built beds,
cabinets, entertainment
centers, sofas
& love seats, cradles
& high
chairs, kitchens,
and even a small addition to a house.
By the end of the ‘80’s, we found
ourselves focused on the corporate furniture market, which best
utilized the craftsmanship and experience we had developed over the
years. In September of 1991, we had a contract with IBM to build a
series of conference tables that we had developed for them integrating
an overhead projector into the surface of the table. Their beautiful
new marketing center at Westin in Cary, NC was also to have twelve
executive briefing rooms with conference tables custom built by a
German firm. IBM had scheduled an early December opening for both an
international contingent of the World Bank and an entourage with the
Commandant of the Marine Corps. In October, IBM received a telex from
the German manufacturer stating that they would be unable to meet the
December deadline. IBM’s architect came to us with the biggest
challenge we had faced to date: could we re-engineer and produce 125 rectangular
and curved
executive briefing tables, in addition to the projector tables
already under contract, before the opening? We quickly went about
contacting our suppliers and other trusted manufacturing resources that
might be in a position to commit to IBM’s six-week deadline. We
obtained the assurances we needed, despite the holiday season, and made
our commitment to IBM. Metal legs were ordered from Italy, table
assembly hardware from Germany and a Georgia distributor, matched maple
veneer faces from High Point, and banded panel cores from Tennessee.
Two local shops helped us edge-band and sand table tops and produce
table rails, while we veneered sixty curved modesty panels in five
different radiuses. In the end, all the parts came together on time for
us to complete all the finishing in-house. IBM expressed their
gratitude to us by hosting our entire company to an elegant luncheon in
their new facility and presenting us a framed “letter
of thanks.”
Today our work continues in the custom
contract furniture and architectural woodworking markets with many well
established relationships with facilities managers, designers,
architects, and contractors. Our roots in fine residential furniture
remain, as there is always an interesting piece or two in progress,
alongside the commercial projects. We welcome visitors who might want
to see what we are making and tour our shop. Our 12,000 sq. ft.
facility sits on eight acres surrounded by Jordan Lake land. Those who
stop by often comment on what an ideal workplace setting it is. We
think so, too. Please call for an appointment (1-800-359-7073).
